Friday 8 July 2011

Silly videos!!!

Me and my BF Candyfloss sherbet (her blog is and if that doesn't work then try my world instead.)

we make silly videos like us just dancing around making up plays as we go along!!

it's really fun and when were famous we will put them on youtube for everyone to see.

love from Fizzy sherbet xxxx

Tuesday 5 July 2011


I got the netting off my trampoline yesterday, and I have been training ralph to go on there (for a rest 5f he wants not bouncing obviously.)

he likes it though he gets eletric shots on his nose!!!

love from Fizzy sherbet


I had a sleepover with my BF a day after Ralph's birthday.

it was sooooo fun.

Ralphs birthday

It was ralphs birthday last week.  he was 1!!!

happy days ralph

love from Fizzy sherbet xxxxx